Thursday, October 17, 2013

Vocabulary Definitions and Sentences #8

1. Malignant(A): harmful 
Ex: The lady was told that she had a malignant tumor.

2. Ornery(A): irritable, cranky
Ex: The ornery lady yelled at the little kid because he made a mess in her house.

3. Indolent(A): lazy 
Ex: The indolent boy didn't want to mow the lawn.

4. Belittle(V): to insult or put down 
Ex:  The girl always belittles her classmates to make herself feel good.

5. Jeopardize(V): to put in danger 
Ex: Eating to much junk food can jeopardize a persons health.

6. Demise(N): downfall or death
Ex: The guys demise started when he began to smoke and drink everyday.

7. Awry(N): not according to the plan
Ex: After missing the exit, the mans plan to arrive on time had 
gone awry.

8. Frugal(A): cheap
 Ex: The lady is frugal when it comes to spending money on herself.

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